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Kheelan Salama

Quran says that the word most heard in the paradise shall be "salama", which means peace (Shanthi!).

When a muslim meet another person the word of greeting is "Assalamu Alaikum", which means "May peace be upon you".

In these days when they are projecting Islam with the image of Osama Binladen (there is some report that the photo shown is fraud!), it is the responsibility of all muslims to send the true message of Islam to the world at large.

Probably this is the best time for it, because all are in attentive mode now.

Islam is NOT TERROR, it is the religion for the liberation of humanity from everything that is false, both spiritual and physical. Islam talks to the intellect of each person, he be a high ranking member in the society or just a very poor and weak member in the society.

He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself (Quran :87-14)
And he has failed who instills it [with corruption] (Quran :91-10)

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